Well, we’ve relocated to Albuquerque in the middle of a pandemic. I’ll be updating digital info here shortly as I’ve just brought up a VHF RMS Gateway out here on short notice based on needs. Its available via the SCREST digipeater on 145.01.
The gateway also hosts the following:
Full service BBS (ARRL Bulletins, Earth Quake notices, etc): MTHBBS:N0MTH-1
Chat Server: MTHQSO:N0MTH-4
RMS Gateway: MTHWLK:N0MTH-10
Once the XYL and I finish unpacking, we’ll be setting up the “shack” in a more permanent location with outside antennas.
The digital gear in STL is still operational but will most likely come down as we complete the relocation from STL to ABQ towards the end of June if all goes well.