21 amateur radio operators once again took time out of their weekend schedule to attend the “Basic Packet Radio Class” instructed by St. Louis Metro ARES AEC/Training & Digital Operations, Peter Brisbine/N0MTH.

Wrapping up station setup before class begins.
Many students attended in order to better enhance their understanding of basic packet radio technology, the local network topology, and how packet radio will be utilized in an emergency response.
Volunteers associated with St. Louis Metro ARES, Franklin County ARES, Saint Genevieve County ARES, District C Rapid Response Team, and the Hospital Amateur Radio Network (HARN) attended the class.

Wrapping up station setup before class begins.
The class concentrated on verifying individual’s basic equipment setup, how to use a terminal program to verify the TNC is operating correctly, configuring Outpost for access to the two local BBSs (Franklin & St. Louis County), and creating new Winlink accounts for those that have never used Winlink.
A training node was setup in class with Bulletin Board, Chat Room, and Winlink Gateway capabilities. Students were able to connect via their own equipment to the training node and learn how packet nodes offer different capabilities.
The HARN volunteers now have a greater understanding of how the existing packet equipment at the hospitals will be employed during an event.
Students were also encouraged to attended the educational activity at the St. Louis Metro ARES Field Day site to see how Winlink via VHF and HF can be used for emergency communications.
Now with new Winlink users on the system, an additional Basic Winlink class will be offered by St. Louis Metro ARES in the fall. The Advanced Winlink class will be offered after the basic class so all class attendees